osc-controller edge

A Controller as an Instrument

- Vavdo A2 is designed to help computer musicians, new media enthusiasts,
professional audio engineers and DJs, to interact with software by using 6 knobs, 5 buttons & 6 programable rgb leds.

- By mapping few physical controls to many software parameters, you can get unique and inspiring results. Just like musical instruments, where only few physical parameters are interconnected and mapped, with a non-linear way, to control many sound variables.

- The triple color LEDs add visual feedback and are easily programmed using Open Sound Control.

- The unique physical interface is designed to enhance artistic expression. The placement and size of knobs, buttons & Leds allows simultaneous gestures from all your fingers, while having excellent feel and instant tactile & visual feedback.

gesture-controller edge

Universal OSC & MIDI software controller

- With the native software drivers you can easily handle OSC or MIDI data. Any software that send or receive these communication protocols can be fully compatible. Examples are music DAWs, synthesizers, video software, programming environments or any similar application. By using a computer you can also control hardware devices such us micro-controllers, hardware synths/samplers and OSC controllers.

- A2 comes also with a growing library of software. Synths, effects & tools that can be used instantly with A2 without configuration hassles. We continuously research and code in cutting-edge technology & art fields.

handmade-midi-control edge

Quality Handmade in Greece

- Each Vavdo instrument is designed and handmade with passion.

- All its components, materials, and manufacturing methods are selected for the best possible balance between precise control, gesture ergonomics, durability, fast & reliable operation, production cost and cultural-political ethics.

physical-interface edge

Detailed Specifications

USB Connection:
Communication: OSC and MIDI
Power: USB bus powered

6 Potentiometers: 1-turn, 10bit-1024 steps, 100.000 lifecycles, long life & smooth friction
5 Buttons: short stroke for direct tactile feedback, 100.000 lifecycles
6 RGB LEDs programmable with OSC

Microcontroller: Custom Vavdo Board based in atmel avr
Automated and manual optical inspection following IPC610D Standard

Front Panel: 1.5mm Stainless Steel INOX
Wood Enclosure: Solid 22mm Melia (mahogany-meliaceae)
Wood Base: 4mm Birch plywood
Knobs: PA 6 for fine grip, feel & durability
Wood Varnish: Extra strong, non-toxic, colorless mat

Dimensions: 22 x 14 cm
Height: 2.7 cm (with knobs: 4.5 cm)
Weight: 0.8 kgr
Knobs diameter: 24 & 32 mm
Buttons diameter: 4 mm

open-sound-control edge